Gumtrees are the quintessential Australian - in about 900 varieties. From the diminutive Varnished Gum of alpine Tasmania to 400-year-old forest giants like the Mountain Ash, eucalypts dominate almost every treed environment from the desert to the sea. Barron Field, a colonial judge, naturalist, intellectual and aristocrat was utterly unimpressed, writing in 1822: "there is not a single scene...of which a painter could make a landscape, without greatly disguising the true character of the trees", which just shows that breeding and education are no inoculation against stupidity.
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Carlos Castaneda wrote that his Yaqui mentor, Don Juan, said "Twilight is the crack between the worlds". He was talking about other levels of reality. I don't know about that, but its certainly a time of change and unique effects. With a softness, and sometimes colour, twilight is a wonderful time to make images.
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